Monday, August 15, 2005


EPIC-MRA Numbers

A new poll has mixed results:

Right track: 28%
Wrong track: 59%

Granholm job rating: positive 54% (52)
negative 46% (44)

governor Match-ups:

Granholm 56% (51)
DeVos 36% (33)
Undecided 8% (16)

Granholm 47%
Miller 45%
Undecided 8%

Funny thing is, Miller won't be running. Granholm might have dodged a bullet.

Republican Primary (Governor):

Miller: 43% (Not running)
DeVos: 29%
Ted Nugent: 8% (Not running)
David Brandon: 6% (Not running)
Jack Hoogendyk: 4%
Nancy Cassis: 4%
Undecided: 6%

Republican Primary (Senate):

Land: 37 %
Brandon: 12% (Not running)
Butler: 18%
Zandstra: 14%
Baron:5% (Not running)
Neydoun: 1%
Undecided: 12%

Stabenow Numbers:
Re-elect: 40%
Consider someone new: 29%
Vote against: 19%
Undecided: 12%

Granholm Numbers:
Re-elect: 33%
Consider someone new: 31%
Vote against: 23%
Undecided: 13%

It looks like DeVos has locked up the Republican primary, he's got a lot of baggage however, and if the republicans has managed to field a better candidate they might have been able to knock out Granholm. The senatorial primary looks to be messy, the establishment is behind Butler, thinking they will be able to split the black vote, but Land might not back down. Even if she does, Zandstra is running a strong campaign. It should be interesting.

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