Saturday, May 14, 2005


News update

Granholm's bond proposal isn't doing so hot out of the gate. According to a poll commissioned by the Detroit Free Press, she gets 35% up, 40% down and 25% undecided. Seems like a good deal to me if the 72k jobs figure is accurate than is seems like a steal at 2 billion dollars. Do the math, its like 28k a job. That seems like a good investment to me.

MiDems chairman Brewer will be making a big pitch to move up Michigan's primary during DNC meeting in chi-town this weekend. [Update] Here is his testimony.

In the Lansing mayors race, Bernero issues a challenge, 4 primary debates and 4 general election debates. Benavides hasn't accepted the challenge, and probably won't. He's old, senile and probably couldn't stand on his feet that long. This means Benavides will probably not make it through the primary setting up a race between Bernero and Martinez. Bernero's mistake here was having so many debates. I don't think he comes off as well as he thinks...

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